суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


Since we now have HUUUUUUUUUGE recycling bins, my plan was to keep a paper bag in the kitchen and a paper bag in my office, which I could fill up and empty into the large bin. I forgot about Nanook, though, and he has other plans. The one in my office has been turned into a Cat Cave. I thought maybe I would scare Nanook away from the bag by taking him for a ride in it, but he was fine, and stayed in the bag when I stopped moving him around. Silly kitty.

carving peru stone, fmhi, fmhi tampa, fmhi tax, fmhi usf.

artic refuge

Why am i listening to this random 80apos;s song...

oh yeah, cause i got cable and now i have a bunch of random ass channels including these music ones...

and i love it. :D

AND�i got employee of the quarter. :] go me. I rock. I won by like..2 votes..ha.

so i get an extra 150 on my next check. Yay money.

im gonna go get my hair dyed dark brown and cut with the money. :]

...i need to start saving for christmas too...ugh.

im basically so bored with my life lately. All ive been doing is working..i need a lover. Lmao.
artic refuge, artic refrigerators, artic refrigerator, artic refrigeration.

european air gun

I think Iapos;m becoming a healthier human being. Also, my friend said to me today, "I hate when someone Iapos;m dating gets a new gf or bf. I mean, I need to see it, but I hate to see it. Itapos;s one of the only things that makes me TRULY get over them."

And I said, "are you serious? I am NUTS. I go NUTS. I do NOT get over them. Thatapos;s when I get the saddest" He said that was true for him too, but that it helped him eventually get over them.

Ben said he wants me to start dating someone so I stop worrying about him starting to date someone. That poor man. He said also because he wants me to be happy.

Heapos;s sick, isnapos;t he? I swear it takes a serious amount of emotional seperation from someone to be able to say, after a break up, you want them to date someone bc you want them to be happy.

And that was a good part of the problem in our relationship. I never felt satisfied in a romantic way bc...hello...thatapos;s not romance. Thatapos;s like, so goddamn overly realistic and unemotional it kills me.

And thatapos;s not fair bc itapos;s not actually unemotional and Benapos;s not actually unemotional but his emotions are REALLY REALLY different than other peopleapos;s, and the way they work is really really different, and what I want is someone who is similar. I want someone who makes me think I am godapos;s gift to earth, I am amazing, itapos;s just spectacular that someone as fabulous as me exists. I do that for people-thatapos;s how I feel about certain people. And some day someone will feel that way about me.

And then I will commitment ceremony them and sleep with them and have a baby with them and have a school with them and be like omg so cute together and weapos;ll totally shop for silly things together. Yup.

diamonds on the inside tab, european air gun, european air quality, european air quality regulations, european air quality standards.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

evil dragon pic

I stayed home with Aidan yesterday and the day before. He was experiencing intestinal distress (Isnapos;t that a nice euphamism for diarrhea?? Isnapos;t it thoughtful of me to have spared you the gory details? Youapos;re welcome) and emphatic regurgitation (read: projectile barfing). If you donapos;t enjoy reading about puke, Iapos;d skip this entry. Ok? Ok.

I tend to attribute both of these lovely symptoms to his sinus infection antibiotics, but I kept him home from daycare just in case, because they did tell me that there was a bug going around (of course) with those symptoms plus fever. He never registered a fever. He only hurled three times, and I blame each incident on his disgusting antibiotics. Each time was horrible and involved massive amounts of Resolve and Febreeze, plus re-baths for everybody who got puked on (Rickey once, me twice, Aidan thrice), plus a pile of laundry. Thank God heapos;s done with that medicine.

I already mentioned what happened Sunday night when we got home from Lake Charles.

On Tuesday night, he threw up all over me, his rocking chair, his changing table, and his laundry basket. Weapos;d given him his medicine right before his bedtime bottle. I guess the medicine didnapos;t set right with him, because he wasnapos;t all that excited about taking his bottle, and then when I burped him, it all came back up. At this point, I thought maybe he might have the daycare-diarrhea-and-puke bug, so I decided we would keep him home on Wednesday. He slept a LOT on Wednesday.

We were going to take him to daycare yesterday (Thursday) morning, since he seemed like he was feeling so much better. It was Rickeyapos;s day for the 5 am wake-up, so he got up and got dressed, and then woke Aidan up at 6 to feed him while I got dressed. But before I started getting dressed, we force-fed Aidan one last dose of medicine, then he shuddered in disgust (like Captain Jack with the Kraken), gagged, and promptly puked all over himself and Rickey. (Yeah, I might have dodged the bullet yesterday morning, but guess who got crapped on last night? ME.) So the half-hour that I was supposed to spend getting dressed, I spent cleaning up Aidan while Rickey quickly cleaned himself up so he could get to school on time. Then I figured since I was going to be, like, an hour late for work by this point, I would just work from home. So I did. (I love this job, and I love my boss.)

This morning went great, though. It was my turn for the 5 am wakeup, so I got up, got dressed, got Aidan fed and dressed, loaded up the car, dropped Aidan off at daycare, and got to the office by 7:13. Go me.

Rickey just called. He just picked Aidan up from daycare, where he apparently didnapos;t sleep much, and didnapos;t have much of an appetite. So I donapos;t know. But Iapos;m SO glad itapos;s the weekend. And I miss my part-time schedule.
evil dragon pic, evil dragon pics, evil dragon picture, evil dragon pictures.

campbell john

Iapos;m looking for some goat-like hooves

I know someone around here had made some and was selling latex (?) hooves a while back, but I canapos;t find the post.

Anyone have any ready-made, cloven hooves available for sale? Just the hoof parts, not a full foot/shoe. I donapos;t really care what material, and they donapos;t even have to be painted or anything because I can do that. Iapos;m preferably looking for ones I can stick over the toe of a normal shoe.

Iapos;d have to buy them in the next couple days apos;cause itapos;ll take a week for shipping to Canada, and Iapos;d really like to have them by Halloweapos;en this year, so pre-made is better than commission, I think.

I know, I suck for leaving it so late, but I just thought of a neat costume idea today. Due to the short time frame, PayPal is my preferred method of payment.

Anyone? Thank you ^_^

campbell john, campbell joe larry, campbell jobs, campbell job.